Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Scrooge's Pet

This is Lucky the Lemming.
Barnacle Biff showed Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webbigail 
Lucky the Lemming from 
Ducktales Episode called "Scrooge's Pet".  

Look! Lucky was juggling a tiny Piece of Cheese
with his Nose before he eats it because 
he was a smart little Lemming that Barnacle Bib said. 

Lucky was eating Scrooge's Cheese Sandwich. 

He told Lucky this Cheese Sandwich 
was People Food not Pet Food. 
There's Lucky wearing Scrooge's Locket 
under Barnacle Biff's Hat. 
These are Lemmings. 
They're really hungry and looked aggressive.
The People of Norway were shouting 
"The Lemmings are coming!" 
over and over and over again because they were leaving 
the Town in Norway in Scandinavia. 
The Lemmings were laughing because those Hats with Eye Holes were funny. 
Scrooge McDuck was really carried away by these Lemming. 
Huey and Louie saved 
Scrooge McDuck from being carried away. 
The Lemmings were jumping off the Cliff to the Ocean 
but they never returned. 
Poor Lucky. 
He doesn't look so good when he was full and fat 
after he ate the inside of the big Cheese 
because Lucky was sick 
but he could hardly stood up. 
Webby asked Lucky to eat more Cheese, 
but Lucky doesn't want it because he felt sick 
when he was fat and bloated and then he fainted. 
I guess poor Lucky was all fat just like a Snorlax.