Sunday, June 12, 2016

Escape from Cluster Prime Poster

This is a Poster of "Escape from Cluster Prime" 

was My Life as a Teenage Robot TV Movie premiered 
on Friday, August 12, 2005. 
It was about the 300-year anniversary for the town of Tremorton like 1773 to 2073. Queen Vexus and her henchbots were again fighting Jenny, Vexus was beat but escapes, left her robotic machine behind. Jenny accidentally ruins everybody's day by causing massive collateral damage to the town. Fed up with her, everyone in town, except for Brad, Tuck and Sheldon, shuns her very presence and label her as nothing but an irreverent troublemaker.

Jenny was upset by the townspeople's attitude and was overall fed up with being unappreciated by humans. While wandering the wreck site, Jenny stumbles onto the transporter Vexus used to escape and was transported to Cluster Prime. Cluster Prime was actually a robotic paradise where Jenny (not surprisingly) fits in and can be a normal teenager, even forming a group of friends who were robotic counterparts to her human friends, besides the friendly and popular Vega (voiced by Thora Birch).
Cluster forces led by Smytus invade Earth and enslaved the people; all the while, the citizens find themselves in an extremely ironic predicament when they beg for Jenny to come and save them. Brad is determined to be a revolutionary leader and actually succeeds with childish pranks.
Jenny was soon exposed and is forced to flee but discovers that Vexus has stolen and hid the citizens' golden chips while scapegoating Jenny for the theft and that Vega is Vexus' daughter. The chips were returning to the citizens who learn the truth. Jenny is forced into a fight with Vexus with Vega coming in to save her. Vexus was forced to flee and Vega becomes queen, liberating Cluster Prime. Jenny returns to Earth, defeats Smytus, and was welcomed back with cheers.

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