Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Seven Deadly Sins in Cartoons

Here are the Screenshots from 6 Movies and 1 TV Show. 
Lust for Meowrice the wicked Cat was when Meowrice 
was in Love with Mewsette the white Cat 
in the Part of the 1962 Cartoon Movie called "Gay Purr-ee". 

Gluttony for Shibugaki was when Shibugaki a Friend of Jetter Mars' wearing an old fashioned Backpack was a little bit gluttonous 
to eat a Bread in the Bus before Jetter Mars accidentally bumped him 
with his Backpack to make him choke to walked up to look at the Waterfall in Jetter Mars Episode called ""The Samurai Robot from the seventh Year of the Tenpō era". 
Greed for Carface was when Carface became evil and greedy 
in the Part of Don Bluth's 1989 Movie called 
"All Dogs go to Heaven". 

Sloth for Beezle the Devil was when Beezle was little bit lazy 
by lying down on Top of the Pillar since he was not lonely 
in the Part of "The fantastic Adventures of Unico". 
Wrath for Ratigan was when Ratigan broke Olivia's beautiful Toy 
when he was angry in the Part of the 1986 Disney Movie called "The great Mouse Detective". 
Envy for Giovanni was when Giovanni vow to be a Scorpion 
for the true Happiness of Everyone and he will let his Body a hundred Times more 
as he misses his Friend, Campanella in the Part of "Night on the Galactic Railroad". 
Pride was when Unico felt joy and he needs to help Cheri 
before he became a big Unicorn in the Part of 
"Unico in the Island of Magic". 
I think Jetter Mars, The fantastic Adventures of Unico, 
and Unico in the Island of Magic 
are my favorites and Gay Purr-ee, Night on the galactic Railroad, 
The great Mouse Detective, 
and All Dogs go to Heaven are not my favorites.


  1. I don't know if Giovanni was feeling Envy when that happened - a better example of Envy is when Stimpy envies Ren for being famous on TV and wants to be the famous one!

  2. Actually I mean when Ren envies Stimpy first.
