Sunday, October 9, 2016

My top scariest Characters by Toothy-the-Skunkcoon

Here is the one with the Baron DeGhost's Demonic Cow Skeleton Monster Form, a Demon Monster, 
Sirens, Hexxus and the Masked Freak by Toothy-the-Skunkcoon instead of Kayako Saeki, Dementor, the Grand Duke, 
Jack in the Box/Jester, and FredBear 
because I covered them.
And it says, "Some of these Characters I chose used to scare the heck out of me when I was a Kid and Im full grown".

10. Boogieman (The Real Ghostbusters: The Boogieman Cometh)
9. Horned King (The Black Cauldron)
8. Masked Freak (Jojo in the Stars) 
7. Leopard Seal (The Pebble And The Penguin)
6. Rhinoceros (James And The Giant Peach)
5. Hellhound (All Dogs Go To Heaven)
4. Hexxus (Ferngully: The last Rainforest)
3. Demon Monster (Swan Meat)
2. Sirens (Ducktales: Home, sweet Homer)
1. Baron DeGhost’s Demonic Cow Skeleton Monster Form (The fantastic Adventures of Unico)

I think The fantastic Adventures of Unico, The black Cauldron, Ducktales, Jojo in the Stars, and Swan Meat are my favorites,
and The real Ghostbusters, 
All Dogs go to Heaven, 
Ferngully: The last Rainforest, 
The Pebble and the Penguin 
 and James and the giant Peach are not my favorites. 


  1. I thought some of the characters from Swan Meat and Jojo in the Stars were pretty scary.

    1. Well, I guess they are like the Masked Freak from "Jojo in the Stars" Hexxus from "Ferngully: The last Rainforest",
      and the Demon Monster from "Swan Meat", but How did you write the Comments, anyway?
