Wednesday, June 29, 2016

The Slithergadee

This is a Slithergadee. 

Look at this Poem about "The Slithergadee" 
by Shel Silverstein that the Boy said. 
"The Slithergadee has crawled out of the Sea. 
He may catch all the Others, but he won't catch me. 
No you won't catch me, old Slithergadee, 
You may catch all the Others, but you wo---" 
And then the Slithergadee catched a little Boy by devouring him. 
Looks like that Slithergadee has an Outie Belly Button 
when he was bloated after he swallowed a Boy whole by catching him. 
The Slithergadee was rubbing his bloated Tummy with a little Boy in it 
because he was eaten alive. 


  1. Yep, that's because the Slithergadee swallowed the Boy whole by catching him which means he was eaten alive. Don't you get it?

  2. I haven't seen this poem by Shel Silverstein before! Thanks for sharing.

  3. May I ask which book this page is from, please?
