Tuesday, May 24, 2016


These are the Hagfish. 
They are Eel-shaped slime-producing Marine Fish live in the Deep Ocean. 
These Hagfish are really disgusting. 
Hagfish fed on Dead Sea Creatures on the Bottom of the Sea. 
Hagfish have sharp teeth. 
In prehistoric Times, Hagfish were Jawless were around 300 million Years ago. 
But in in my Drawing called "Sata's Pickled Hagfish", 
Beezle was feeling sick and completely fainted 
after he was looking at the Jars of Pickled Hagfishes 
and Sata wants to share some Hagfish with Beezle 
but Beezle doesn't want any 'cause he felt sick 
and these Hagfish were more for Sata until he was full. 


  1. I think hagfish are really cool but they would probably be really gross to eat!!!😝

  2. They sure are. Sata the Devil sure likes Pickled Hagfish because he was immune to them.
