Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cheese Fist

This is a Fake Commercial called Cheese Fist 
from my favorite TV Show, 
The Ren and Stimpy Show. 
On the Plate there are some weird fashioned Horderves that the Man was cutting it and that 
was all the food the Man and a Woman had left in the House. 
This is Chalky Cheese and he was a Boy 
with a Fist of Cheese, which means 
it's a Cheese Fist made of Cheese. 
The Woman said "Hey! Would anyone likes some Cheese Fist?" 
and then 
the Guests were happy to eat a Cheese Fist. 
The Boy and the 3 Bullies took 1 bite each on a Cheese Fist.
I wonder what kind of new Cheese Fist product is. 
Maybe it's a Flamento inchai Fist means it's made out of Dilly and Olives, 
Cheese Fist on a Rope for the People to wear on a go, 
and a Bucket of Cheese Fist which means 1 Fist isn't enough. 

I think Cheese Fist was totally delicious! 

Cheese Fist wasn't real, but it's only in a Cartoon like 
The Ren and Stimpy Show.

1 comment:

  1. Ew that cheese fist thing looks really gross with hair and lint and stuff on it
