Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Snorlax's Gluttony

Look how that Snorlax eat a lot of Food, 
that means Snorlax was a sleeping Glutton. 
In "Wake up, Snorlax", 
Snorlax was eating the Thorns to make the Water Flow 
before it gets fat and went back to sleep. 
In Pokemon Episode called "Snack Attack", 
Snorlax was eating all the Grapefruits in Islands 
because Snorlax was a greedy Glutton. 

In "The Garden of Eatin'" Snorlax was eating all the Bananas 

and the Slakoth were sad and starving. 
In "Awakening the sleeping Giant", 
the Snorlax ate all the Pecha Berries that the Villagers of 
Camphrier Town offered until it was full and fat. 
All Snorlaxes like to eat a lot and sleep a lot. 
Hey look! There some Gulpins in a lot of Food that Snorlax was eating. 
I hope Snorlax could swallow 5 Gulpins, but not Tangela. 

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