Friday, July 15, 2016

Tam O' Shanter Overture

This is a Fanart called "Tam O' Shanter Overture" was by 
The-master-of-magic at
This Fanart based on "Tam O' Shanter" Poem. 
This Man looked like Mr. Toad 
and Ichabod's Horse that the Man on were 
from "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad" and these 
are these Witches from "The black Cauldron". 
The Witches in this Fanart were from the Marshes of Morva, 
the strangest creepiest Wetland located in the southwest of Prydain 
from Welsh Mythology. 
I guess "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad" 
is not my favorite Movie, 
but "The black Cauldron" is my favorite Movie. 
"The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad" was a Disney Movie 
came out on Wednesday, October 5, 1949 
and "The black Cauldron" was a Disney Movie 
came out on Wednesday, July 24, 1985. 
Mr. Toad in Tam O' Shanter Hat and Clothes and Ichabod's Horse 
were being chased by some Witches. 

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